Status: Ongoing (2019 - 2024)
Operating Agent
Meredydd Evans
Team Lead and Senior Staff Scientist
Joint Global Change Research Institute
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
5825 University Research Park
Suite 3500 College Park
MD 20854
Michael Donn
Director, Centre for Building
Performance Research
Victoria University Wellington
Wellington 6140
Meli Stylianou
Manager, Housing & Buildings R&D
Natural Resources Canada
Ottawa ON K1A 1M1
It is widely recognized that building energy codes (also known as building energy standards) are an effective policy tool for improving the energy efficiency of buildings, residential and commercial alike. However, even in communities and other jurisdictions with extensive history in this area, building energy codes are facing key issues, including:
- A need for faster and easier methods to check the compliance of buildings with the code
- A need for greater reliability in the evaluation of code compliance
- The substantial amount of time it takes for building codes to integrate research and technology breakthroughs, limiting the energy savings potential of building energy codes
- The long-life of buildings and thus attending to the resulting challenge of incorporating energy efficiency into major retrofits of older buildings and the role of buildings energy codes in this
- The need to meet ambitious policy objectives including zero net energy construction standards, passive ventilation, etc.
- The challenge of integrating various distributed energy resources including distributed solar, electric vehicles, and grid-interactive and flexible technologies
In June 2019, the International Energy Agency’s Energy in Buildings and Communities Programme (EBC) approved the creation of a Working Group (WG) dedicated to the consideration of building energy codes to foster stronger collaboration addressed at these issues.
- To enhance understanding of impactful options and practices regarding building energy codes across different countries.
- To provide methods for cross-national comparison that lead to meaningful information sharing.
- To foster collaboration on building energy code issues that leads to enhanced building energy code programs by incorporating new issues and practices.
Confirmed participants in the WG include: Australia, Canada, China, Ireland, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Portugal, Singapore, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States, as well as ASHRAE and the International Code Council.
Other EBC members are also welcome to join the WG by expressing their intent in writing.
Each participant will provide in-kind contributions to support the cooperation. Participants, at a minimum, will share information on building energy code practices through a survey, webinars, in-person meetings and review of documents. Participating countries will also be invited to take on larger leadership roles on a rotating, optional basis, for example, leading reports, studies, study components or meetings.
- Building Energy Issues and the COVID-19 Response, held 5th May 2020: presentation and recording (external link)
- Net / Nearly Zero Energy Buildings, held 18th May 2020: presentation and recording (external link)
- Energy Codes for Existing Buildings, held 8th June 2020: presentation and recording (external link)
- Changing Business-as-Usual - Building Code Virtual Diagnostics & Inspections, held 16th September 2020: presentation and recording (external link)
- EBC BECWG First Annual Symposium, held 9th November 2020 and Energy Codes Around the World: A Joint U.S. National Energy Codes Conference and EBC BECWG Session, held 24th November 2020: presentation and recording (external link)
- Balancing Costs and Benefits of Building Energy Codes: An Evaluation of Methodologies for Assessing Cost-Effectiveness, held 28th April 2021: presentation
- Building Energy Codes and Resilience – An International Review, held 20th September 2023: presentation
- Next Generation Building Energy Codes, 5th Symposium, held 14th November 2023: presentation
- Next Generation Building Energy Codes, 6th Symposium, held 18th November 2024: presentation, part 1 recording (external link), part 2 recording (external link)
- Workplan
- Building Energy Codes and Other Mandatory Policies Applied to Existing Buildings, June 2021
- Best Practices for Building Energy Codes Compliance, November 2021
- International Review of Energy Efficiency in Data Centres, March 2022
- Mott A., Delgado A., and Evans M. (2022), "What, why and when to go virtual: An international analysis of early adopters of virtual building energy codes inspections", Energy Research & Social Science, Volume 94, December 2022
- Scan of Code Requirements to Address Greenhouse Gas Emissions, June 2023
- Resilience Issues in Building Energy Codes, August 2023
- Survey on New Technology Integration in Building Energy Codes and Appendices 1 and 2, January 2024
- Factsheet, June 2023