IEA Technology Collaboration Programme on Energy in Buildings and Communities Webinar

June 11, 2021, UTC / GMT
Webinar/Virtual Meeting

Extensive research studies in many countries have found gaps between the design intent and real-world operation of buildings, which often lead to much higher energy use in practice than was estimated at design stage. While the reasons for such performance gaps are varied and complex, IEA Energy in Buildings and Communities (EBC) research projects have recently been making progress in resolving them. The aim of this webinar is to share the outcomes of ongoing EBC research projects in this area and to provide updates on some of the innovative work taking place within the programme: high quality energy reporting for buildings at scale allows robust analysis to be carried out and reliable lessons to be learned from the data gathered; data collected for individual buildings using smart meters are helping to understand fabric thermal performance at previously unattainable sample sizes; technologies to supplement ventilation with gas-phase air cleaning are being studied to confirm if both indoor air quality and energy criteria can be achieved; occupant-centric building design and operation are the focus of further EBC research. Although it has not been possible to arrange the planned EBC Technical Day in the Netherlands due to the ongoing pandemic, their national research priorities and some short overviews of their work within the EBC programme will also be provided during the webinar. This is being arranged for the benefit of the scientific and engineering research community, as well as for policy and decision makers in industry and governments. 

Welcome by Dr Takao Sawachi, EBC Executive Committee Chair (Slides)
Welcome by Dr Richard Hall, SHC Executive Committee Vice Chair 
EBC and National Research Priorities in the Netherlands by Daniël van Rijn, EBC Executive Member for the Netherlands (Recording, Slides)
EBC Annex 70: A New Best Practice Building Energy Model Report Guideline by Dr Ian Hamilton (Recording, Slides) and Prof L.C.M. Itard (Recording, Slides)
EBC Annex 71: Quantifying the Thermal Performance of the Building Fabric based on Smart Meter Data by Prof Staf Roels, Dr Christian Struck and Twan Rovers (RecordingSlides)
Q&A moderated by Daniël van Rijn (Recording)
EBC Annex 78: Supplementing Ventilation with Gas-phase Air Cleaning by Prof Bjarne Olesen (Recording, Slides)
EBC Annex 79: Do Occupants Matter? Comfort and Occupant Behaviour as Relevant Drivers for Building Energy Performance by Prof Andreas Wagner (Recording, Slides) and Peter Op 't Veld (Recording, Slides)
EBC Annex 75: Cost-effective Building Renovation at District Level Combining Energy Efficiency & Renewables by Dr Manuela Almeida (Recording, Slides) and Dr Erwin Mlecnik (Recording, Slides)
Q&A moderated by Daniël van Rijn and summary (Recording)

All recordingsAll slides